Wednesday 21 December 2016

21st December: Hercules

Hercules was honoured on this date in Ancient Rome. Although he was originally a Greek hero, the Romans revered him, too. Here are some facts.

  1. Hercules was the son of Zeus and a human woman, Alcmene.
  2. Zeus's wife Hera was understandably not happy about her husband playing away with the humans, and in a fit of jealousy, tried to have Hercules killed when he was a baby. She sent two Snakes to kill him in his crib, but a hero from the start, he strangled them both.
  3. Hera continued to hound Hercules into adulthood. She succeeded in sending him mad, which resulted in Hercules killing his wife and six sons. When he regained his senses and realised what he'd done, he sought a way to atone for his actions. This is how the twelve labours came about - The Oracle told him he would have to serve his cousin, King Eurystheus, for twelve years and perform any task the king set him. Hercules wasn't happy about having to do this, but he did it, knowing Zeus would be angry with him if he didn't.
  4. The twelve labours were: Slay the Nemean Lion; Slay the nine-headed Lernaean Hydra; Capture the Golden Hind of Artemis; Capture the Erymanthian Boar; Clean the Augean stables in a single day; Slay the Stymphalian Birds; Capture the Cretan Bull; Steal the Mares of Diomedes; Obtain the girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons; Obtain the cattle of the monster Geryon; Steal the Apples of the Hesperides and Capture and bring back Cerberus.
  5. When he wasn't busy with all that, Hercules performed other tasks which have been depicted in art, including: Killing a fire-breathing Cacus; Holding up the world for Atlas; Wrestling with Achelous; Fighting the giant Antaeus; Retrieving Alcestis from the underworld and Freeing Prometheus.
  6. He was made a god when he died, as a reward for helping the Olympians in their epic battle against the Giants. He was granted a home on Mount Olympus and a goddess for a wife - but only the part of him that was the son of Zeus. The human aspect of him which came from his mother was sent to the Underworld.
  7. Hercules is usually depicted in art as a strong, muscular and tanned man, often wearing a lion's skin and carrying a gnarled club.
  8. Because of the number of children he had, and his foiling of Hera as a young child, Hercules was revered as a god of childbirth!
  9. Mark Antony considered him a personal patron god, as did the emperor Commodus.
  10. His name was used as a swear word in Ancient Rome. Hercule! or Mehercle! was a common oath in Classical Latin.

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