Saturday 3 May 2014

May 3rd: Hug Your Cat Day

Hug your cat day was created by Apricat, the feline heroine of a US series of books as a day when humans can hug their cats without being scratched or hissed at. Here are 10 cat quotes:

  1. In ancient times Cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this. Terry Pratchett
  2. Time spent with cats is never wasted Francois Chateubriand
  3. My cat took 1st prize at the pet show. He ate the prize canary.
  4. Cats know your every thought. They don’t care, but they know.
  5. Three cats set sail in a leaky boat and... un, deux, trois cats sank.
  6. The only mystery about the cat is why it ever decided to become a domesticated animal. Sir Compton Mackenzie
  7. Radioactive cats have 18 half lives.
  8. I never would have made a good cat... I couldn’t eat a cold mouse on a foggy morning.
  9. Cats will amusingly tolerate humans only until someone comes up with a tin opener that can be operated with a paw. Terry Pratchett
  10. After dark all cats are leopards. Zuni Proverb

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